
We wanted nothing more

Zimmerman's relatives and gucci handbags supporters have insisted he is not racist and has been unfairly vilified. They said he feared for his life during his altercation with Martin and was justified in using deadly force. Travyon's parents have appeared on gucci shirts camera repeatedly, demanding justice for their son. "We simply wanted an arrest," Travyon's mother, Sybrina Fulton, told reporters in Washington after Corey's announcement. "We wanted nothing more, nothing less. We just wanted an arrest. And we got it. I say thank you. Thank you, Florida. Thank you, Jesus." Zimmerman had been represented by two lawyers, Craig Sonner and Hal Uhrig, who left the case on Tuesday after saying they had gucci bags lost contact with Zimmerman and reporting that Zimmerman contacted Corey's office directly on Tuesday in an apparent attempt to resolve the case on his own. Sonner and Uhrig said they feared for Zimmerman's emotional and physical well-being from the stress of living in hiding, mostly alone, while television commentators and sports stars demanded his arrest. But his new lawyer, Mark O'Mara, said Zimmerman was fine. "I'm not concerned about his mental well-being right now," O'Mara told Reuters. "He seems very lucid." Later, he told reporters he expected louis vuitton handbags Zimmerman to appear at a hearing on Thursday and was hoping a judge would set bail at a level the Zimmerman family could afford. "Let's let the process work," O'Mara said. "There are a lot of high emotions, maybe some of them have been salved by the arrest. ... We need to calm this down. It needs to be tried in a courtroom."

