
Usually for a new product

Usually for a new product, no one cheap gucci bags knows truly meet consumer demand for what it was like, Furthermore, the pioneers are generally fascinated by their technology, to ignore the depth of customer needs, so the products of the pioneer often and consumer demand gap. For example, the price is too high, to inconvenience performance defects. Fast followers can pioneer the introduction of new products, consumer feedback, respond quickly to product improvement, and then introduced to truly meet more in line with customer demand for products before their competitors. Follow the strategy, Tencent's QQ Farm is a very classic case. Someone commented: "QQ farm to take full account of the consumer population and the accurate positioning, game features, QQ farm in addition to the more complex parts of the game, such as the slave trade, full use of their existing QQ users, QQ Users simply import procedures can be from QQ, without any other formalities, so that QQ farm to become a very simple casual games, even if you never played the game, you can also quickly learn to players between the interaction, QQ farms give full play to their own advantage: to encourage QQ friends invite each other to increase www.cheapguccioutlet2012.com the number of players to improve your online time, so QQ farm allows players to entertain the same time, become a friend of communication and communication tool, this is a happy network do not have more players there is no mutual relationship between such and such, QQ farms quickly become friends, very fashionable communication topics. We pay attention to the next, it is not difficult to find. Tencent to follow the strategy, there is a fundamental reason. What Tencent biggest advantage is? I believe that all answer the same, that is hundreds of millions of QQ members. As a result, any application actually can be a service of QQ members. An innovative application in the Chinese mainland if he is really the market, it has hundreds of millions of QQ members (almost all Internet users are QQ members) which is bound to have a certain demand. Tencent Why not do this thing? In the emblem sword opinion, Tencent just a copy of the enterprise, then it is in any case impossible to obtain achievements as it is today. A survey shows that: "the largest companies in the investment rate of return is 16%, the second investment rate of return is 6%, the third in the investment rate of return is -1% -6% investment rate of return for the fourth. " Follow the strategy is not to survive in a mature market, You may also interested in gucci bags from another gucci outlet shop but for the rapidly growing new markets, change is everywhere, fast followers rational use to follow the strategy will often come from behind, instead of the pioneers to become the new industry leader.

