
He is due to report back

Troops loyal to Assad have cheap Louis Vuitton bags pummeled rebel strongholds across Syria this week, deploying tanks and heavy artillery to crush opponents in a string of cities and villages, including Deraa in the far south where the rebellion took hold last March. Amid dire warnings that Syria is set to sink into cheap gucci wallets a protracted civil war, the U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan has demanded further clarifications from Damascus over its response to proposals aimed at ending the violence. He is due to report back to a divided U.N. Security Council on Friday, with Russia and China still standing behind a defiant Assad while exasperated Western powers push for regime change. The United Nations estimates that more than 8,000 people,black gucci belt mostly civilians, have died in the fighting, while some 230,000 Syrians have been displaced from their homes, including 30,000 who have fled abroad, raising the prospect of a refugee crisis. Britain's Guardian newspaper on Wednesday published what it said it cheap gucci bags thought were genuine emails sent and received by Assad and his wife between June and February that lifted the lid on aspects of their personal life.

